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  • Why is the podcast called Hot House Hours?
    in the 80's and 90's there was a band called Hothouse Flowers (they may still be going) which I was reminded of when I first had the idea of the podcast back in 2015. I knew I was mainly going to be playing house music and I wanted the epsiodes to be approximately an hour long. The concept was the play the hottest new music, which I didn't think anyone else was playing apart from the famous DJs who had access to all the promos. So really when you put all that together you get Hot House Hours, which I thought had a nice ring to it! Of course, when you type in "hot house" into a google search you are likely to see Hothouse Flowers before Hot House Hours! For now at least!
  • Why do you play so many genres / sub-genres of music? Shouldn't you stick to one thing?
    I have an appreciation for almost all music in the world, from classical to pop, death metal to drum & bass, soul and RnB to raggaeton - if it makes people dance I admire the artists who dedicate their lives to their art. As a child I was even forced to go to country and western clubs, which wasn't always a pleasent expeience but I would always appreciate the dedication of the bands and how they lifted the mood of everyone watching or dancing. I can't limit myself to playing mainstream house music because I love listening to, and mixing, so many other styles of music. This may impact people's perception of my DJ identity (or "brand" seems to be the buzzword), but if you listen to the many mixes I have online you will hopefully agree that I can create an amazing downtempo, techo or EDM vibe just as well as I can do with house music! Hopefully!
  • Why are the monthly podcast episodes random lengths?
    Well, these are mixes I do mainly for the love of the music. They aren't made for radio so there's no set time constraint - I just go for as long as the mood takes me. If a mix lasts for 3 hours it's because I'm eaither really feeling the vibe or there are so many amazing tunes I want to share as many with you as possible. With the regular weekly episodes I try to keep them to an hour, partly because that seems to be the expectation for podcasts, secondly because the "Hours" in the podcast name was supposed to represent an hour-long episode!
  • Where do you get your music from?
    Mostly Beatport and occasionally Traxsource. Sometimes from producers and labels directly. I create a Beatport chart for every weekly mix so if you want to buy any of the tracks yourself just click on the Beatport logo at the end of each tracklist.
  • Can I send you my promo track?
    I love receiving promos if they fit the style of my different mix categories, are well produced and signed to a label. While I generally play everything from the artists and labels I admire and have a close relationship with, the majority of promos I receive from other sources are sadly not featured, mainly because of personal taste and whether they fit into the style and direction of the current mix. If you think you have a track I'll really like, feel free to get in touch via the contact page.
  • Can I be featured as a guest DJ?
    All previous guest DJs were personally invited onto the podcast but this is something I've spent less time on recently due to all the other mixes I release myself. Going forward I will primarily focus on DJ / producers who can provide a mix that is exclusive for a month.
  • How can I support your work?
    I don't do the podcast to receive compliments or donations but all podcasters wants to expand their audience so comments, likes, subscriptions, reviews and sharing episodes always help. I want to reach as many people as possible so the reward for my efforts is to see the play count increase. It has already surpassed my expectations but now I want to see how far I can take this! I am so thankful to everyone who has helped and it doesn't matter how many friends and followers you have yourself - everything counts!
  • Where can I see you play live?
    Obviously the Covid-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on many different industries and it's hard to tell when it will be possible to play live again. My focus is on Sydney-based events while trying to orgnise other opportunites around the world. If you are a fan of the podcast and would like me to visit your city, you are welcome to DM me on social media or send me a message via the contact page on this site. If you are an agent / promoter with an opprtunity, you can also get in touch via the contact page.
  • How can I book you for my event / venue?
    You can get in touch via the contact page with details of the event, including city, venue, capacity, etc.
  • I also have a music podcast - can we work together?
    That depends on many things but feel free to get in touch to discuss.
  • Are you interested in commercial radio opportunities?
    Absolutely! If you like my recorded sets and don't want me to change my style then let's talk!
  • How do I upload an audio file for the radio show?
    The below screenshots are from an iPhone but the process should be similar on other phones. Step 1: Using the Voice Memo app, record a brief voice message then select Save to Files. 2. Select where you want to save, then click on Save. 3. Go to and click on the Upload button. 4. Select the audio file to upload. 5. Once you see the name of the file that has been uploaded, click on the Submit File button. 6. Once the file has been uploaded, a confirmation message will be displayed. Alternatively, send the file to your computer and upload from there.
Well they've never been asked but just in case you're wondering...


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